Get Started


  • Through pip.

    pip install torchdeq
  • Through conda.

    conda install torchdeq
  • From source.

    git clone && cd torchdeq
    pip install -e .

Quick Start

  • Automatic arg parser decorator. You can call this function to add commonly used DEQ args to your program. See the explanation for args here!

  • Automatic DEQ definition. Call get_deq to get your DEQ module! It’s highly decoupled implementation agnostic to your model design!

self.deq = get_deq(args)
  • Automatic normalization for DEQ. You now do not need to add normalization manually to each weight in your DEQ module!

  • Easy DEQ forward. Even for a multi-equilibria system, you can call your DEQ in a single line!

# Assume f is a functioin of three variable a, b, c.
def fn(a, b, c):
    # Do something here...
    # Having the same input and output tensor shapes.
    return a, b, c

# A callable object (`fn` here) that defines your fixed point system.
# `fn` can be a functor defined in your Pytorch forward function.
# A functor can take your input injection from the local variables. 
# You can also pass a Pytorch Module into the DEQ class.
z_out, info = self.deq(fn, (a0, b0, c0))
  • Automatic DEQ backward. Gradients (both exact and inexact grad) are tracked automatically! The DEQ class can sample the convergence trajectory for addition operation/supervision. Just post-process z_out as you want!

Sample Code

import argparse

import torch

from torchdeq import get_deq, apply_norm, reset_norm
from torchdeq.utils import add_deq_args

from .layers import Injection, DEQFunc, Decoder

class DEQDemo(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.deq_func = DEQFunc(args)
        apply_norm(self.deq_func, args=args)
        self.deq = get_deq(args)

    def forward(self, x, z0):
        f = lambda z: self.deq_func(z, x)
        return self.deq(f, z0)

def train(args, inj, deq, decoder, loader, loss, opt):
    for x, y in loader:
        z0 = torch.randn(args.z_shape)
        z_out, info = deq(inj(x), z0)
        l = loss(decoder(z_out[-1]), y)
        opt.step()'Loss: {l.item()}, '  
          +f'Rel: {info['rel_lowest'].mean().item()}'
          +f'Abs: {info['abs_lowest'].mean().item()}')

'''Add other arguments.'''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()

inj = Injection(args)
deq = DEQDemo(args)
decoder = Decoder(args)

''' Set up loader, logger, loss, opt, etc as in standard PyTorch. '''
train(args, inj, deq, decoder, loader, loss, opt)